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...there are cases of sexual mutilation

depicted on some danzantes, 

blood streaming in flowery patterns

from the severed part. Michael D. Coe, 'Mexico'. 



A mess of flesh of bisected scrotum -

young man what did they do to you?


Between your thighs, the cunty

petals of Longley's Sheela-na-gig


or the fluttering blossoms

of urethra, stamen-plugged?


In Zapotec, English, Spanish, 

the plaque tells your nethers


were mutilated: your blood-spurts

for sun. Bifurcated genitalia


scraped in your image,

a Rorschach test in stone.


Precise lacerations,

serrated-edge bone.



Your fluids are sunlight,

your death no regret

stamp heat on our heads,

you redden my neck.


There is no libation of sperm

and rainwater, not here.


They call them swimmers,

your brothers that squirm across soil.


But you, your passion is erect,

vertical writhings      so they

                        call you a dancer. 

Dylan Brennan's poetry and prose have been published in a range of Irish and international journals, in English and Spanish. Atoll, a mini collection of poetry, will soon be available as a free download from Smithereens Press and his first full collection, Blood Oranges, will be published in 2015 by The Penny Dreadful Press. His work is forthcoming in gorse. He has been shortlisted for the Fish Short Memoir Prize and has taken part in the Poetry Ireland Introduction Series. He lives and works in Mexico. 

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